May 2024

Standard & Poor's Ratings Services Affirms its A+ Ratings on Dhaman


On March 27, 2024, Standard & Poor's Ratings Services affirmed its A+ long-term issuer and financial strength credit rating on Dhaman. The outlook remains stable.

Dhaman also carried out last April a marketing mission to export credit insurance services in the British capital, London, where the corporation met insurance brokers.

Dhaman's gross earned premium witnessed a significant increase of 105% in 2023; Dhaman's insured business in the investment guarantee line, where its development impact is highest, registered a record increase of 331% compared to 2022. This stems from Dhaman's issuance of a non-honoring of sovereign financial obligation insurance policy to cover a USD 500 million seven-year international green finance loan to a member country.

Dhaman's leadership team continues to advance its 2022-2026 strategic plan to enhance the corporation's development role and regional efforts. The strategy aims to repurpose Dhaman's vision and mission, redefine its risk appetite, outline plans for growth, including new markets and products, and specify new requirements for systems and risk management.