June 2024

"Dhaman" issues a database of Arab sovereign risk Indicators and ratings during 2023


Dhaman has issued a database of sovereign ratings and risks Indicators of the Arab region, which is based on the data of 15 international agencies specializing in sovereign and credit ratings and risk assessment.

Through its Research and Country Risk department team, the Corporation has carefully monitored the status of Arab countries in these agencies’ indices during 2023, compared with 2022.

The database contains 35 tables coming as follows:

  • An illustrative table of various rating scales where "Dhaman " uses color style (green For the best performance - yellow for the medium performance and red for the poor performance) only to make it easy to read and compare the findings.
  • Four tables to monitor the sovereign ratings of Arab countries at the end of 2023, compared with the previous year, and to monitor the change.
  • Twenty seven tables to follow up on political, economic, financial and operational risk ratings of Arab countries at the end of 2023, compared with the previous, and to monitor the change.
  • A table to track the risks of sectors in the Middle East region.
  • A table observes the ranking of Arab countries in the Global Peace Index at the end of 2023, compared with the previous year, and to monitor the change.
    • A table monitors a state’s top five risks according to the World Economic Forum for 2024.