Dhaman provides leasing companies with a comprehensive credit and political insurance solution. The insurance covers the risks of default of payment of the lessees and the risks of denying the lessors’ rights of ownership of the leased assets.
The lease insurance policy period concurs with the lease contract terms. In case of a risk materialization, Dhaman compensates the policyholder with an average rate of 90% of incurred loss.
Inability or failure or refusal of the Lessor/obligor to fulfil the payment
The bankruptcy of the Lessor/obligor
Currency inconvertibility and transfer restrictions
Confiscation, Expropriation and Nationalization
Measures taken by the authorities of the obligor’s country preventing the lessor from obtaining his rights
War and civil disturbances
Operational and financial lease of machineries, equipment or transportation vehicles
Arab and non-Arab lessors
Absence of ownership or joint management relationship between the insured lessor & the lessee/obligor
Request for quotation
The Lessor submits the application form to Dhaman
Dhaman provides the Lessor with an indication detailing the scope of cover and the pricing
Leasing Insurance Quotation
Issuance of the insurance policy
Acceptance of quotation /policy signature/premium payment
Declaration of leased assets within 30 days of the leasing agreement prosecution
Declaration of leased assets/ invoices
Compensation Process
Declaration of risk occurrence/Compensation disbursement/Collection from the defaulting obligor/importing country
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